Bootcamp Learning Plan

• What is your long term goal and/or career pathway? What are you hoping to use the skills you gain during this course for? What impact would you like to make once you leave Dev Academy? Do you have a destination in mind?

I want to use the skills I learn here to find employment that offers me flexibility and remote working options.

• What do you think your biggest strengths and limitations will be in Bootcamp? Re-evaluate your strengths and limitations from Sprint 2. Has your idea of these changed throughout Foundations? Have you discovered any new ones during this course? How do you think these will help/hinder you during Bootcamp?

I’ve always known about my time management issues, but Foundations made me realize that I tend to take longer than others to absorb new information, so I need to pre-empt this by starting earlier, have an earlier deadline for myself, and not fall behind. My strengths are still patience and cope well under pressure.

• What do you think your biggest non-technical challenge at Bootcamp will be? While you will face many technical challenges on Bootcamp, this is not what we would like you to consider in this plan. Non-technical challenges might include staying on top of the material, working in groups, speaking in front of the group, keeping focused for nine weeks, etc.

My biggest non-tech challenge is definitely staying on top of the material in a timely manner. I need to stop wasting time or procrastinating, and start the work early.

• What non-technical skills - human skills - would you like to see developed in yourself while at Dev Academy?

Time management, working in pairs, giving and receiving feedback, improve my reflective skills.

• What are your expectations from the Bootcamp team?

I expect them to answer my questions and provide supportive feedback when I ask for them.

• What are your expectations of yourself on Bootcamp?

I will start the work early, and ask questions early! First via Discord, then if still stuck, reach out to facilitators for a check-in. With other learners, I will be respectful and honest when arranging and managing shared workload and expectations. With facilitators and industry/community representatives, I will be respectful by doing the work that is expected of me in a timely manner. And will respectfully ask questions when I need to.

Foundation Learning Plan

What is your long term goal or career pathway?

To use what I learn from the bootcamp to find employment that offers flexibility and remote-work options.

A description of your strengths and limitations concerning learning

My strengths: I am very patient. I cope well under pressure. I’m very responsible and will do my best to deliver what is expected of me. My limitations: My time management ability isn’t the best, and that links to all sorts of problems.

What skills (non-technical - human skills) would you like to see developed in yourself while at Dev Academy?

To find reward in the face of challenges. To not get discouraged when things become difficult.

A commitment to how you will manage your workload in this programme. This should include: An explanation of how you will manage yourself to work productively and safely with other learners, facilitators and industry/community representatives. What you will do when things are building up and starting to get to you.

I will aim to communicate with others early, promptly, and with respect to figure out what is expected of me/us. I have been falling a little behind in these first 2 weeks of foundations due to special circumstances which have now come to an end. From week 3 onwards, I will attempt to start and finish the workload earlier than expected in order not to fall behind. And if I do fall behind, I will communicate with my facilitator to figure out how to best rectify this as quickly as possible.

A commitment as to how and where you will seek help in a timely way.

I will seek help from online resources, from my facilitator, from Discord channels, and from other learners in my group.

A description of what you expect from the facilitation team.

I expect them to not be judgemental of the questions I may ask. I expect them to be understanding that we all learn at different paces. I also expect them to alert us when we have fallen behind.

Any scheduling information such as block-out times when you are committed to other things. For example, you might have whānau commitments like school drop-offs. It's important to plan these in.

I don’t have any other planned commitments, although unexpected things do happen, so it’s best to do the work early in case I get busy with unexpected things.